Episode 38: Lyme Disease
Welcome to Health Hunters, everybody. I’m here with Dr. Pompa today. This is Warren Phillips. I heard you had a couple great shows without me when I was on break, Dr. Pompa.
Dr. Pompa:
It was fun.
I appreciate you bringing on your wife. I heard it was awesome. This topic is something that’s been requested. You know a lot about it, and I wanted to interview you on something.
This particular disease that we’re going to discuss today, I remember as a kid being in Pennsylvania where this disease is rampant. The cases of this condition are all over Pennsylvania and the East Coast big time. I remember friends, especially my buddies whose fathers hunted and did all that where they couldn’t walk. Some of them lost their lives over this disease. There’s millions and millions of cases, people diagnosed over the last ten years. It’s Lyme disease.
This is something that is not well understood and a difficult one, Dr. Pompa. It could be compared to a lot of other conditions that people can suffer with. I hate to say the C word, but cancer, if you can get over the fear of it, may have an easier solution than sometimes Lyme disease. However, it’s definitely something that the doctors we work have seen great results and you’ve seen great results with.
Let’s get them some tips and tricks and some of the hidden solutions for Lyme and inspire these health hunters who know people with Lyme, to give them the hope that they need to push through and make sure they don’t make some of the mistakes that many of the people you’ve talked to in the past have. The topic today, we’re hunting Lyme disease. Let’s talk about it, Dr. Pompa.
Dr. Pompa:
One of the things I teach doctors, Warren, if somebody’s not getting well despite their best efforts, changing their diet, doing all these amazing things, they’ve been to a lot of practitioners and doctors, and they just seem like they’re not getting better, they’re not breaking through, look for hidden infections. In past shows we’ve talked about root canals and cavitations in the mouth. These are hidden infections that can keep people sicker and keep them from getting well. Lyme disease fits into this category as well. It is one of those hidden infections.
If you’re listening to this and you’re suffering from weird aches and pains, fatigue, insomnia, all types of hormone dysregulation, anxiety, I can keep going down the list, brain fog is a big part of this, just unexplainable illness period, think Lyme. This show could be for you. This is a show to share with people that you know just fit the description that I just said. Share this show. Lead them to it because this is a mysterious one.
This is something that 20 years ago if you brought up Lyme, believe it or not, modern medicine said it didn’t exist. It wasn’t a true diagnosis. They’ve come around to the fact that it is a true diagnosis. However, typically they come in, they run a test called a Western blot. If it’s negative, you don’t have Lyme. You have something else.
Well, we know better than that. That test isn’t really good for what we call chronic Lyme. It can be not accurate if you’re just bitten in the first few weeks. It can be not accurate if you’ve been having these symptoms for over a year. There’s a very small window where a Western blot test would be an accurate assessment.
If it’s positive, then they’ll typically give you a course of doxycycline. That’s a type of antibiotic where they will give it to you typically for eight weeks. If you’re sick after that, then it’s not Lyme. It’s something else. I can tell you this right now, no treatment knocks all of the Lyme out of your body. It doesn’t work that way.
It’s an opportunistic pathogen like Candida, parasites, Epstein Barr virus, cytomegalovirus. I can go down the list of opportunes, funguses, all of them. Lyme really is no different. You don’t wipe it out. What you do is we have strategies that our doctors use to bring down the Lyme count to where your immune system is what fixes this. Your immune system then rises up and knocks it back, and then people get their lives back.
If you have other stressors or chemical, physical, emotional in your life, it can come flaring back with vengeance. We’re not trying to eradicate all the Lyme. Therefore, it’s not like you take an antibiotic and you get rid of Lyme. You have to bolster the immune system to get it out of these hiding places that it finds and survives. This is a clever bacteria that will survive if you don’t raise the immune system. There’s where the true cures lie is what the body actually does itself.
It’s amazing. I took all the tests and never showed positive for Lyme, but I just did the microbiome test in my gut, and I had Lyme in my stool sample. Not at high levels, but it was there along with C. diff and some other things. It’s in so many people. I was also talking to someone at a seminar the other day and his whole family has it. He’s still on antibiotics.
Dr. Pompa:
Let me ask you this. The whole family has it. Are they all symptomatic?
Yeah, most of them are all symptomatic.
Dr. Pompa:
Sometimes you have it. I just had it happen last week. Both husband and wife tested positive. He wasn’t sick at all, which we find there’s 90% of certain areas in this country that test positive for Lyme and don’t have symptoms, so showing that there’s more to it than just having the Lyme in you.
I think 30,000 of new Lyme cases were reported to state health departments. That’s just a small number compared to the millions and millions that have this challenge. That’s why we’re doing this show is just to awaken the world to this epidemic. Honestly, what I thought when I was sick, I thought that’s what I had because there weren’t shows like this. Podcasts didn’t exist.
The internet really didn’t have the information. The only thing that was out there was what’s the only disease that can explain some of my symptoms? It was Lyme disease. It was almost like the crazy person disease or you have a mental problem. A lot of people get judged for this one.
Dr. Pompa:
We want to clear the air here and give some solutions. I was tested positive for Lyme as well when I was sick. I dealt with it. We’ll talk about some of the things that I did. It wasn’t why I got sick. It became something that took over because my immune system was already distracted. That can work in the opposite.
Some people get bit, and they’re dealing with certain things and stressors in their life. The Lyme gets around the immune system and becomes the reason why their bucket overflows and they become symptomatic. However, caution; we don’t get Lyme well with just treating Lyme. We don’t want to treat anything. The body ultimately has to do that.
However, you can’t just address the Lyme for successful chronic Lyme recovery. You have to address the body as a whole. You definitely have to look at other neurotoxic stressors. That is the key to this. This is an important show.
As we move through this topic, you get bit by a tick. Let’s start from the inception. There’s different ticks that have it. We don’t want to get into too much of the history, but let’s give them a little bit of the pathology of getting bit by a tick to contracting this bacteria that causes that. We’ll jump back into that after these announcements, health hunters. We’ll see you right back.
Welcome back, health hunters. We’re talking Lyme disease today. We did an overview before break. Now let’s quickly go through I got bit by a tick. Now what? Am I going to get sick? What are some of the five basic things you need to look for, and then what is the general advice and steps you can take so they don’t have to go online and look at this stuff?
Dr. Pompa:
If you can grab the tick, that’s great. You can test it. You can take it to the health department, and they’ll do it for free to see if the tick is carrying Lyme. That’s the best if it is. There is a time and a place for an antibiotic. If you catch it early, that doxycycline that I talked about —
Definitely go to your medical doctor right away.
Dr. Pompa:
Absolutely. If you catch it early like that, the antibiotic is useful. It’s been shown to be useful. The problem is typically we don’t even know we were bit. That’s the big issue.
If you are, get the tick. By the way, the removal, there’s a lot of things out there. Use a match, do this, do that. You have to grab the majority of the tick as you can and just turn and pull. Pull it out and try to get the whole tick.
If a piece is left in, that head is left in, it will continue to infect you. Typically it’s like this; if it’s in over 36 hours, it has time enough to transmit the bacteria to you. If you get it less than that, then typically it didn’t have time and you would be safe. There are rules of thumb across the board for you.
We lived in Pennsylvania, so my daughter had a bite. I remember calling you. What do you I do, Dr. Pompa? He walked me through that process. I think we did some topical antimicrobials and then even did some Neosporin as well. That’s an antibiotic. Peroxide, anything to kill that, and we caught it probably within the first 12 hours, but that still freaked me out to see a tick on my daughter.
It’s definitely very scary. You get bit by a tick, you may or may not have it. Test it. If you didn’t know and you start having some of the symptoms, the bulls eye rash, something that isn’t always seen, how does that work?
Dr. Pompa:
You’re right in what you said. You live in Pennsylvania so there’s so much Lyme on the East Coast. It’s not that we don’t have it on the West Coast. We do, but it’s way more prevalent of a tick carrying Lyme.
I want to point something out. There’s other vectors that carry it. There’s the belief that you can get it from other people, your spouse, close contact. I think they would still consider that investigational. We’re not sure.
Spider bites definitely carry it, less often than a tick. Just so you know, there are other modes of transfer. Again, just because you got exposed doesn’t mean your body didn’t deal with it appropriately. Your daughter most likely, you got it out ahead of time, didn’t even get exposed. She may have and because she’s so darn healthy, she may have just beat it back. Arguably, the body builds up antibodies against it and it literally can protect you in the future. Not that we run around looking to be exposed, but it could work to your advantage.
Next steps; so you did all that. You found the tick, you got it out, you tested it positive, and it had Lyme. You did doxycycline. You followed what your medical doctor said, and then six months later you get into a car accident. You get a divorce, whatever happens.
This opportunistic vector, you start expressing symptoms. There’s lots of different ways. You can check with your medical doctor, things like that. In your experience, now what? Did the doc see the tick had it? Now I’m having symptoms. Holy cow, what do I do? This is scary.
Dr. Pompa:
You definitely want to go to someone who has experience with Lyme. There’s a lot of misnomers. There’s a lot of unknowns. Most practitioners and doctors do not know what to do with Lyme. That’s step one, know who you’re going to.
That goes back to testing. I kind of blew past that. There’s testing [19:51].
Dr. Pompa:
We’ll talk about that in a minute, but I’ll finish that thought for you. The one thing that makes people more sick once it hits this chronic stage is now they start doing all the antibiotics. That’s a mistake because the bacteria will back itself up into a cyst phase or even what we call cell wall deficient phase where it can hide from the immune system, very clever. The antibiotic can force it into those more hidden stages. It can actually make you worse.
The antibiotic can have a detrimental effect on your immune system, thereby creating a bigger issue. You have to be like there’s a time and a place for antibiotics. That’s when you go to someone who’s well trained in this to know the natural approach at this point are where the answer lies.
Let’s talk about testing. We did a test many years ago called the iSpot Lyme. That lab that was doing it owned the rights to that test. They were selling supplements based on testing. The FDA actually shut them down over that because they were warned, and they did it again. Someone is going to buy that testing technology from them, it looks like. We don’t have access to that.
I didn’t know that.
Dr. Pompa:
There’s an iSpot iGeneX test. If you just said iSpot iGeneX, there’s testing there that is better than your standard testing. Then we’re working in our doctor group right now with a test called DNA Connexions that we’re also experimenting with. These are the tests that are much more accurate.
Oftentimes the easiest way to test and the cheapest way to test is you take some of what we call natural killers, things that have an effect on Lyme. Cat’s claw is an example. There’s a product we all love, [Catatonic] from Systemic. There’s another one called Samento from Nutrimedix. There’s these types of killers. Even some oregano, olive leaf, anything that can kill Lyme, if you take it and you get sick or get worse, that’s a pretty good positive test. It’s called a [Herx] reaction. Even high amounts of —
You’ve got something going on.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, you’ve got something going on. That’s, perhaps, the cheapest test of all.
Nothing like killing off some bad guys and seeing how your body reacts. I know that I’ve done that. You’ve done that with me. If you really want to find out high dose of stuff, I’ve got no symptoms. There could be other bacteria or virus that these are crossed over with these killers that you could react to.
That is the best way. At the end of the day, you know you’ve got something going on, and you need to address it in your body. We’ll get back to some more testing and the solutions on Lyme disease right after these announcements from our sponsors.
Dr. Pompa:
Hey, Warren, I have to ask you this. Is your head bopping up and down like mine is when the music plays?
Always. I thought I’d get sick of that music after hearing it thousands of times, but I like it.
Dr. Pompa:
I like it too. My head starts bobbing up and down. I even catch myself whistling. I guess it’s catchy. I did a good job on that.
We worked hard on that. You said some amazing things, and that was worth the show right there. People just don’t know that even the testing — the inside story is you’re blessed to work with a large group of practitioners. This is what we do, natural health, MDs to DCs to NDs to health coaches.
We get all this feedback of what’s going on in this space, what new products, solutions, strategies, the testing. They’ll be in the show notes too at HealthHuntersRadio.com or HealthHunters.TV is another way to get there. We’ll list some of these strategies there. You mentioned a couple supplements from physicians-only products, the Systemic formulas, cat’s claw called [Catatonic], and then the Samento by — who did you say?
Dr. Pompa:
The Samento is from Nutrimedix.
A couple things right there that can help people. Now you’re into this chronic phase of Lyme. You weren’t blessed enough to find it early enough and you did the doxy. Now you have what you called chronic Lyme, meaning you’re chronically sick from this challenge. This is where I talked to this whole family that has been battling Lyme disease for over ten years.
This kid literally can’t go to school. His wife had seasons where she was bedridden, and he’s in a good phase right now. They’re trying to build this online business, but most of their lives are chasing these Lyme symptoms and really not finding an answer. I shared some things with him that I’ve learned over the years from you and from the doctors that you work with. He didn’t know it.
This is a guy who probably went to 15 different natural health practitioner and medical doctors and didn’t know some of the things that I was sharing with him. You shared them with me, Dr. Pompa. I would love to hear some of the next steps for someone who’s working with this challenge.
Dr. Pompa:
One of the things I’ll give you all listening, just some real amazing tips that we’ve learned like Warren said, the power is in working with so many doctors that we get feedback. One of the keys is rotation. We can do a week on, two weeks on of certain killers like we mentioned. The key here is you use different killers for a week or two, and then take a week or two off.
The Lyme almost comes out of these hidden places, if you will, that cyst phase that I talked about. Then the next week or two you come in with different natural killers. Why? The bacteria are that clever. They go there’s that [31:23] and runs back into a hiding place where there’s low blood flow. It hides in and around heavy metals, which we’ll talk about.
It’ll run into something called bio film, all these little protective places, back up into a cyst phase where the natural killers can’t kill it. Therefore, when you rotate them, they’re not privy to that. Therefore, you can catch them by surprise. We rotate products, and we do it in a pulsing state where it’s a week or two on, week or two off. That’s really determined by some people can tolerate longer cycles of these things. Some people do better with shorter cycles.
It’s a pulsing just like the way we do detox. It’s not always on. It’s on, it’s off, and the rotation is really part of the magic as well, Warren. There’s some really good tips there as far as we learn this over the years.
Then there’s something called rife. You can Google it. It’s been around awhile. Many of you have heard of resonant frequency. Resonant frequency is basically matching wavelengths to other wavelengths, if you will. Then it creates a great force that kills the Lyme. If you think about it, if you go online and talk about resonant frequency and you see that there’s a bridge that they show that literally the wind vibrated, the wires that held the bridge to a certain frequency and it matched the frequency of the bridge, and the bridge literally just imploded or exploded.
I remember that. It works with glass too.
Dr. Pompa:
It’s why an opera singer hits a frequency and if she hits the same frequency as a wine glass, it’ll explode the wine glass. Rife machine is frequency. You basically find these same frequencies as Lyme and you can kill Lyme with the same principle. It’s been around awhile. It’s not standard medical practice by any means, but it sure does work.
You can buy these rife machines. I always recommend people find them used. There’s one called a Doug Coil. It’s the one that I used years ago, and it’s still around. It still works.
I remember that one.
Dr. Pompa:
That thing looked like a science experiment. They do work. There’s one called TrueRife. There’s many now, and the companies typically will help you find the frequencies that match Lyme. You can find them used because people use them. They worked or they didn’t work.
Either way, they’re getting rid of them typically. I wouldn’t recommend just using rife. I use it within the system that I just explained to you. Rife works because they can’t detect it. Rife unlike a natural antibiotic or an antibiotic, they can detect that. They can’t detect the frequency of the rife, and that’s why it can almost be used continually through the process.
I have trouble with more fringy things like a frequency, like structured water. There’s some science behind all of that stuff. I wouldn’t consider it quackery. Frequency science is huge. EMF causes cellular damage inflammation if you’re on your iPhone. It warns you. You have to accept the consequences of the EMF in your phone.
It can cause cellular damage at the same frequency of EMF and cellular inflammation disruption when you match these frequencies. That’s really what we are. We’re definitely sound and frequency, a lot of our hormones, all of that. There’s good science on this. It’s a good share, Dr. Pompa.
A lot of people that are suffering with this may not know about that. What are some other things in the — they’re in this chronic Lyme state. You knock it down naturally with rotating these different natural Lyme products. There’s lots of different Lyme products out there. At the end of the day, let’s go back to what you started the show with.
It’s one of those things that you don’t get rid of. You just knock it down enough to where your immune system is able to ward it off like a parasite or whatever else and keep it away and knock down the numbers. Some people do that, and they’re still not well because their immune systems are too weak to overcome that. There’s another complicating factor, I’ll throw out heavy metals, especially mercury, which has a high level of negative immune response in weakening your immune system. Even though they’re knocking this thing down, it’s probably the reason why they couldn’t kill it off to begin with, and it’s still there. They’re not getting to that place it’s stabilized for years, which is where you want it to be.
Dr. Pompa:
Many people who aren’t getting well, they might be saying to themselves I’m doing a lot of what you’re saying. You have to change your diet. You have to do everything that naturally stimulates your immune system. These upstream other stressors are the answer. I hear that lovely music. We’re bopping our heads. We’ll talk more about that when we come back.
Sounds good, Dr. Pompa.
Welcome back, health hunters. Lyme disease, if you missed the last three segments. Go back and listen to them, some really good information and nuggets there. Dr. Pompa, let’s get back to where we left off from the last segment.
Dr. Pompa:
You mentioned heavy metals. Oftentimes we see that’s why people aren’t getting well because they’re not addressing something that’s absolutely decimating their immune system like heavy metals, whether it’s mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum. All of them have such a dramatic negative effect on the immune system that you just simply won’t rise up without dealing with these other toxic loads that really have embedded themselves into your deep tissue for years. It starts in utero. We’ve done other shows on this. Go back and listen.
It does start in utero. There’s many studies, one we refer to as the [42:38] study where the number of silver fillings in your mouth contain 50% mercury, by the way. The number of those fillings in your mouth is proportional to how much ends up in the baby’s brain in utero. They look at autopsy studies for that. The number one source of lead exposure in humans is mom.
During pregnancy you lose bone and out comes the lead when you lose the bone. It’s very normal to lose bone during pregnancy, but lead is stored in the bone. We get our first exposures there. Then, of course, all through life we’re getting other exposures.
We even talked about the chemical glyphosate that’s being sprayed on all of our food as a pesticide, herbicide. It allows these heavy metals to go deeper into our tissue. Here’s the problem; the Lyme, not only do these metals affect your immune system, but these Lyme guys are so smart, these bacteria hide in and around these heavy metals from your immune system. The immune system won’t go near it. It’s that darn clever.
Oftentimes we won’t get the Lyme knocked down enough without dealing with these upstream other toxic effects. Oftentimes when we’re dealing with people with heavy metal toxic issues, we start pulling out the heavy metals, and they start getting certain symptoms. Low and behold we realize it’s Lyme symptoms. We end up pulling out Lyme. Most of the time we have to deal with these pesky pathogens as well as the heavy metals.
We have found as a growing group of doctors that this is the key. We seem like we have these experts in the Lyme area that really don’t understand proper removal of heavy metals. Then you have your heavy metal guys that typically don’t understand that Lyme and other pathogens are going along with the heavy metal removal. I really believe we have one of the only groups of doctors that get it, that you can’t just deal in one area. You have to deal with all.
That’s a multi-therapeutic approach that you train the doctors on. One of the things I wanted to bring up, when you talked about getting symptoms when you remove a whole bunch of mercury, now your immune system is alive and starts killing off Lyme. During that die off from your own immune system, you start getting the symptoms. That would be one way.
I’m not saying that’s exactly the case, but I noticed back in the day we did Ritchie Shoemaker’s protocol. We were measuring the C4a, and that’s another way to identify Lyme. I think if it’s a super elevated C4a, it’s not diagnostic, but from his work you can look at that. He’s a little doomsday. He’s a little bit doomsday.
Health Hunters is all about your body can heal itself and remove the interference. That’s our philosophy. The biotoxins, you start removing those through your gut, through system formulas, bind products, just like when Dr. Shoemaker used [45:42], they would notice a lot of symptoms once you start pulling the biotoxin that the Lyme keeps producing, which is what makes you sick and causes the inflammation. You start expressing symptoms.
Dr. Pompa:
That’s a great point. Part of our process really came out of that. A lot of these biotoxins, meaning a toxin produced by a living thing, in this case Lyme. It could be mold as well. They produce a toxin, but your body brings a lot of it to the liver. There it’s bound up in bile because bile tracks them.
Here’s the problem; you dump bile into your gut to digest fat. Here’s the bigger issue; your body’s designed to reabsorb that bile. What does it bring with it? It brings the biotoxins or the toxins right around with it.
We use a product called Bind that has four different types of binders in it, so it binds heavy metals as well as these types of biotoxins and pulls it away from the bile complex and makes sure it goes all the way out of the body. It’s part of the treatment. You’re right, the C4a test is not specifically diagnostic for Lyme, probably more like biotoxic illness. It is another indicator.
Here’s the problem; LabCorp used to do it, but now they do their own. It’s not as sensitive for this. National Jewish Laboratories is a lab that still does the appropriate C4a. You could have mold illness and have a C4a that’s elevated. When we would see these ridiculously high C4as, below 2,800 is normal. If we’d see these 30,000, 20,000, you’re either in a massive mold exposure or you have Lyme. It would make us think, perhaps you have Lyme.
It’s a complement of the immune system.
Dr. Pompa:
You could use those killers and the rife. If you’re reabsorbing these biotoxins back into your body, it’s called autointoxication. You’re going to be in trouble, and you’re not going to get well. You’ll probably bail on the treatment just because you’re reloading yourself up with toxins and, therefore, symptoms. It’s a great point, Warren.
What about if someone’s doing doxycycline? I’m just kind of rolling on this because this is a gym, Dr. Pompa, that kind of came out here. If they do doxy, that’s an antibiotic. Talk to your doctor if you’re taking carbon. Would you recommend when you’re killing with doxy or natural killers to make sure you’re taking a carbon that has the capacity to bind toxins?
Dr. Pompa:
For sure, absolutely. One caution; just take things away from this Bind because it binds.
A couple hours, right?
Dr. Pompa:
Take things a couple hours away, things like thyroid meds, four hours away from any binder. Doctors should tell you that, but just as a caution, it does bind. It works.
They kill off the Lyme, but it’s the biotoxins that remain and people can remain sick until they take enough of these cycles of carbon or even some people might go back to the [48:54] if you have a good medical doctor that’s recommending that. Then they slowly remove the biotoxins from your system by binding that bile and removing it. That’s a gem for some of these people that maybe have not done that and may be the reason they’re still sick.
Dr. Pompa:
We’ve given a lot of gems, but I do want to make another caution. Lyme isn’t something that you tackle yourself. Heavy metal toxicity isn’t something you tackle yourself. There’s a lot of nuances here. Even when I work with someone myself in coaching them, my goal is to teach them this process so they can do it long enough to matter.
However, the process is different for everybody. The dosing, the cycle lengths, what works for them, what doesn’t work for them, the binders are very different. You want to work with a coach. If you go to DrPompa.com, start there.
There’s a video talking about coaches and coaching. Be cautious. I don’t want to get phone calls or emails that Dr. Pompa recommended this. I did it, and now I’m really sick. This is something that’s a serious illness and you definitely need supervision.
Work with your medical doctor and your natural health practitioner and make sure you follow that advice. I was going to say on that note, if you don’t have experience, you’ve never been through Lyme disease before, these docs have seen hundreds, if not thousands of clients. It builds up quite a bit of a database.
They’re able to take that experience and pass it on to you because this is one of those ones, back to that guy, ten years he’s been fighting this, tens, twenties, thousands of dollars. Every medical doctor, every natural health practitioner, he still remains sick. Some of the things that I shared with him are some of the gems that we got to share with this audience today.
Dr. Pompa:
This is a multi-faceted illness, and it’s complicated. You can hear that. However, the unfortunate part is more and more people are being affected by this, heavy metals, and other neurotoxic exposures. It’s why people don’t feel well. It’s why people can’t lose weight and have so much hormone dysfunction.
It unfortunately has really become an epidemic and really is at the root of many other diagnoses and diseases. We say this in our program here, we’re not giving medical advice on anything. We’re not. This show is not about giving you medical advice. This is about speaking the truth and getting you to investigate some of these different areas. I hope that helps.
All right, health hunters. Lyme disease, share this with your friends. We will see you back here next week. For the show notes go to HealthHunters.TV. Have a great weekend.