Episode 11: Amalgam Fillings
Episode 11: Amalgam Fillings
All right, Dr. Pompa. This week in our journey to find extraordinary health, vitality, energy, and beauty, we’ve discovered the most toxic place in the world. Do you know what that place is, Dr. Pompa? What could be the most toxic place in the world.
Dr. Pompa:
I don’t want to give it away. They say—
They say—
Dr. Pompa:
—eighty-five percent of disease starts here.
Eight-five percent of disease starts here, so this is a pretty toxic place.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. The question is, who are they?
Who are they, and why do they make numbers up and don’t tell us who they are? Is it really true? Let’s delve into that today. Welcome to Health Hunters Radio. We’re so excited, obviously, for you to be joining us to reveal this thing, and actually this hole is in your mouth. It’s a toxic place in your mouth. It’s the most dangerous place in your body that causes disease, dysfunction, low energy, fatigue, you name it. It can be the cause. It can literally take you out. A part of our story’s—well, Dr. Pompa’s story really started at the mouth, his dysfunction and disease. Mine didn’t start in my mouth but in my mother’s mouth, and we’re going to get into those and unlock those topics in this discovery of the most toxic place in the world, your mouth.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. My story—yeah, I told it on other episodes, but I think it’s worth telling at least some of it, just because we have so many new listeners all the time. I was really in the most fit time of my life. I was cycling, racing, doing all these great things. I had two young boys at the time, good marriage, amazing practice, all these great things, and all of a sudden, one day, fatigue, and I just thought I was overtraining. I went from fatigue to insomnia, insomnia to panic attacks, debilitating anxiety, food allergies, sensitive to not just every food I was trying to eat but the planet, every chemical. Literally, life as I know it came to a screeching halt. It’s so amazing, Warren, because when I tell this now, I tell it like it’s a movie scene, but every once in a while, I anchor into certain feelings or symptoms or something when I tell it, but I can still get really emotional about that time in my life, because I had so many bizarre symptoms. I was so sound-sensitive that I couldn’t even watch a movie because of the excitement. I couldn’t handle it. My adrenals were absolutely—
I remember that.
Dr. Pompa:
I handled no stress. Yeah. I remember watching a football game, and our friends came over, and I had to leave. I couldn’t handle the excitement of it, and I couldn’t handle my crying children. I just would flip. I just would go berserk, and I became someone who I wasn’t, and I didn’t know why. Years of searching, and much of what I teach today, Warren, as you know, came out of that battle, and even when I thought I was barking up the wrong tree, and I was—I chased my adrenals. I chased my thyroid. Those were shot, no doubt, but it wasn’t upstream far enough for me really to understand what was going on.
Ironically enough, and this breezes to our topic, I knew the problem was in my brain somewhere. I knew it was specifically pituitary, hypothalamus, because that’s what controls your adrenals and your hormone system and your thyroid, and I knew the feedback there was messed up. I just couldn’t figure out what to do, and I found mad hatter’s disease on the internet. I said, my gosh, I have every one of these symptoms, and if you know what mad hatter’s disease is, they were poisoned by mercury, and they became known as mad hatters. I was like, that’s me. I’m a mad hatter, and so I went and got a blood test.
That turned out to be the wrong test. It showed negative, so it wasn’t but a year or so later that I made friends with an endocrinologist, really bright guy, and he said, Dan, I think you have mercury poisoning. I said, I thought so, too. He said, that’s the wrong test. You have to do this challenge test where you challenge the mercury out of your tissues, because that blood test would only show acute mercury poisoning. I don’t think you’re getting mercury poisoned every day. I think it’s something that happened along the way, so I did that test, and it showed a lot of mercury.
Anyway, so I said, where do you think I got it? He said, did you have any dental work done around when this time happened? I may have. I had a gold filling put in. As it turned out, it was days after that that my symptoms started. I just never correlated it, so I still had six of these silver fillings that contain 50 percent mercury in my mouth. When I had two out incorrectly—so that’s a whole topic. It vaporized two more mercury, and my bucket overflowed, so to speak, of toxic mercury, and then my symtpoms started, so I had to research how to get it out of my mouth, the rest of these fillings, because I read that you can’t really detox it until the last filling’s out. That turned out to be absolutely correct.
The next thing was, how do I get it out safely, and then, more importantly, how do I get it out of my brain? I read a study that was published in [00:06:20]. That’s one of the most prestigious scientific journals, and it was just talking about how the mercury in the fillings accumulates in the brain in particular and other organs as well. They looked at sheep, and then they actually did a study on a monkey and proved this. It just sent my research going deeper and deeper, but lo and behold, it was in fact the fillings in my head, so all those years I was told it was probably just—it’s in your head, it’s in your head, like I was a nutcase, because I went to every professional, every expert, being a physician myself. Of course, it was in my head. They were right, but it was the damn fillings in my head, and there’s a lot more dental dangers here than we think.
We’ll hopefully expose that on this show one at a time, Warren, but silver fillings, 50 percent mercury. By the way, I’ll say this. They’re banned in most countries except for right here in the United States. The ADA is afraid of lawsuits. This stuff’s toxic. The World Health Organization warns against it, every protective body. If you look at the numbers, what our government says is safe, and then you look at what vaporizes from one of these fillings, it’s pretty shocking when you look at really what’s going on, the lies that are put upon us.
Yeah, we’ve got to put some of those research papers down in the show notes, the smoking tooth video, but this is the real deal. It’s not a conspiracy topic. We’re not labeled as such. We don’t educate and train on conspiracy. We educate—well, everyone has their different truths, right? We understand that, but this is not fringe science. This is solid science that anyone that understands the scientific method, who isn’t—I don’t know how to say it, but the reason sometimes people don’t believe things is they don’t want to—to protect their own mind, because they don’t want to believe that they’re actually hurting somebody, so your dentist, if you go to him and talk to him about this, and he’s not a dentist that does this, he has joined essentially his religion, his faith, a culture that he has, and it’s just like being part of something that he sacrificed, worked hard for, and the ADA has been telling it’s safe this whole time, and it’s better. There’s many reasons you can justify the use of them, but at the end of the day, it’s killing people.
Then, there’s the other side of the coin, Dr. Pompa, and this is one of the arguments that will happen. Is composite, which is plastic—how much is safer is it? Because there’s toxins in there. We would argue that it’s much better to safely remove, safely, find a dentist to do it, and properly detoxify right afterwards, prepare the body. We really won’t get into that, but don’t listen to this radio show and run out and talk to your dentist and get them removed improperly. You’ll wind up like Dr. Pompa, on your back for two years, so that is not the way to do it, but that’s what they’re going to believe, and that’s okay, but that’s not our job. Our job, as health hunters here, is to give you the truth, and then, incrementally, for you to take the right steps to improve your health, so this is a big topic, and we will dig deeper after a message from our sponsors.
We are back. The most toxic place on the planet, especially if you have class three hazardous waste in your mouth, which is what amalgam is. It’s a class three toxic, hazardous waste before it goes into your mouth, and right when it comes out of your mouth, it has to be cleaned up, detoxified safely to protect yourself and the environment, yet when it’s in your mouth, it’s safe. It’s a crazy topic, one of those things that always throws everyone for a loop. I cleaned up hazardous waste for a living, so this stuff is hazardous waste. I call dental offices—the water that comes out of dental offices are full of mercury. It can’t even go into the wastewater. This stuff is bad, but there’s other things in your mouth, right, Dr. Pompa? We can keep going on this topic, but there’s other things we’re going to let you know about that are equally as toxic.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, before we exit the topic, you just said something. You almost said it in passing, because hazardous waste to you is something you’ve dealt with your whole life, and by the way, that’s—
Yeah, it’s one of the reasons I got sick.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah. Yeah, exactly, but here’s the—just think about this, folks, logically. First of all, you should have red flags because of all the countries that ban it, have bans on it, right? Then, you compare that to the United States. Okay, so obviously, they’re looking at studies that you might not have been exposed to, and I know that you’re going to go run to your dentist, and most of the dentists are just repeating, parroting, what the ADA is basically telling them. Listen, it’s hard to change. The moment you say, okay, this stuff’s toxic, it’s very, very difficult to change. In fact, the guy—I just saw him yesterday. Derek. He’s one of my good friends. He’s a dentist, and he changed his entire practice. After I got sick, I brought in a stack of information for him to read, and like most, it sat on his desk, because why would I read that, because I’m doing this, and then I would have to change something?
A few other people said, my sickness started after, and he got that story enough that he actually started opening up the information I gave him, looking through the studies, and Derek now runs what we’ll call a biologically safe practice. Biological dentist. By the way, if you’re looking for one of those dentists, iaomt.org. That’s the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. That is where you can start, even Googling safe dentists. There is loopholes that absolutely make it safe. Anyway, Derek now is one of those practices in dentistry and always expanding, so hats off to him, and I’ve interviewed many dentists who have turned the corner on Cellular Healing TV. Watch those episodes for sure.
Listen, this is what Warren was saying. Put all the signs aside. Before these fillings go in your mouth, they’re considered hazardous waste, a class 2 hazardous waste. The moment they go in—and they’re handled as such. The moment they go in your mouth, which is arguably worse, because the acidity and the chewing makes the mercury come out of the filling even further and more. Studies show that. Now, magically, it becomes a class 3, and it’s handled very differently, obviously. Then, the moment it comes out and hits the dental tray, it’s not considered class 2 again, which is hazardous waste, so think about that. We know what’s going on. Almost every year before Congress, because of public outcry, we are trying to make it considered hazardous waste all the way through, so class 2 all the way through, even when it’s in your mouth. The reason why that’s the big fight is because the moment that happens is the moment we have to put bans on it, so therefore, the ADA doesn’t want to deal with that backlash.
Anyway, therein lies the battle of the amalgam filling, and let me tell you something. When you look at the studies, it does go into the brain. It’s a mercury vapor. It turns to inorganic mercury. I want to put one more warning out there. Many of you listening say, well, I got my fillings out. Here’s the problem. It turns to inorganic mercury in the brain from the vapor from the fillings, and there, it’s locked in the brain until you do the right procedure to get it out, so just a caution there. Here’s another caution. It’s called opposing metals. You have two different types of metals. Many of you may have a crown in your mouth with a different type of metal around it. Maybe it’s a retainer bar. Maybe it’s a bridge, and then you have a silver filling. Opposing metals create something known as galvanism, which is a current that causes the mercury to pour out of that filling ten times faster than normal. It happened to me. They put a gold crown in my mouth, and I still had fillings in, and that’s what sent my bucket overflowing. I can’t tell you how many—
It’s a science experiment in your mouth.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and by the way, in the 60s, they considered that—you don’t do that. You don’t put different metals in the mouth, because it creates a battery effect. It creates literally a current, and that’s why the mercury pops out, and I’ll tell you. Many people, including myself, when I got that galvanism out of my mouth, that current, a lot of my anxiety went away just from that, so current in the mouth, metal in the mouth. Beware of crowns, covering, fillings, silver fillings. If you have old crowns, they’re probably toxic anyway, but there could be a filling under that, and the only way you know is a good dental history or pry it off and look, but I’ll tell you. Some of the most sick people that I see, it’s because of crowns covering silver fillings. You cannot detox metal out if you have any speck of filling in your mouth.
Okay, I think we’ve exhausted the mercury subject. There’s so much information there. By the way, Warren, you said something else, what they should do, and that is Google the smoking tooth video. That is a—
We’ll have it in the show notes, too. Yeah, but—
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, we’ll have it in the show notes, but listen. That’s a 25-year-old filling, and the reason I tell you to do that is because many dentists say, oh, all the mercury’s gone anyway. That’s an old filling. Don’t touch it. Baloney. Twenty-five-year-old filling. You watch that mercury vapor pour off of that filling, and you know that’s going in your brain, so if you’re not sick yet, it’s just a matter of time.
Yep, and everyone’s bucket is a different size, and mine was obviously very shallow. Maybe not, because I was exposed so much to so many things. I had amalgam fillings, and then there’s meters that we use in toxicology that can specifically measure through—trying to think. Essentially, it sucks the air in and burns a certain—burns it within the unit. It sucks it in, heats it up, and it emits a certain wavelength of light, and you can measure that, but they have those devices for mercury, and if Dr. Pompa right now had one amalgam filling in his mouth, and we set it up in there, there would be—I think it would still exceed—if he just swished his mouth around, it would still exceed the EPA air quality standards that you’re not allowed to breathe. They would shut the school down based on what’s in your mouth, but if you would drink hot coffee or eat something or chew, it would be a hundred times higher than what the EPA air quality would allow, so this isn’t voodoo science. This is in-your-face science, and one of the bigger topics is the dentist, which has the number one suicide rate in the world, and then even dental hygienists also have the highest level of miscarriages, I believe, and infertility.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, and [00:17:48] can measure that.
This is the real deal.
Dr. Pompa:
We have. We’ve actually looked at, if you take that device, and you have fillings, and you compare it to someone who doesn’t, it’s dramatically different. All you have to do is exhale on the device, and you watch the mercury levels go off, so where is that vapor going? Then, if you chew or you drink hot liquid, it exceeds those levels dramatically. It’s tragic. It really is. So many people are sick because of this, so many people, if we just strictly look at symptoms we have that could be associated with this. Brain fog, obviously anxiety, insomnia, depression, heart pain without being over the age of 45. This is how it affects nerves. Neuralgia, headaches, migraine headaches.
We’ll pick back up on those when we get back.
All right, let’s pick back up, Dr. Pompa. We kind of got cut off there with the symptoms of what this poisonous vapor is doing to our brains and bodies.
Dr. Pompa:
Look, it affects the hormone system, so of course, there’s so many symptoms. There’s certain classic ones that we look for. I don’t know. The people listening can pick. We have a new toxicity quiz. Perhaps they can take that, and it is a very clever way of looking at symptoms in the history.
We have that. I’m not sure the name of the—we have multiple versions of that quiz, so I’ll have to pick the exact one that will—for heavy metals and some of the things that you’re experiencing, so we’ll throw that in the show notes as well, so Tim, make a note of that, and we’ll have a really, really detailed quiz for you to take and to see what your levels are and some customized videos and trainings that you’ve put together that are really, really powerful. Yeah, the mouth, Dr. Pompa. It’s a scary place. It can be.
Dr. Pompa:
Depression is the big thing, and so many people that have mercury toxicity get depressed.
Dr. Pompa:
Yep, tinnitus. Right. Ringing in the ears, heartbeat in the ears. I had all of it. Then, if you’re trying—many people listening are trying to control their candida and wonder why their candida won’t get out. My candida never was able to be in control until I got a certain amount of mercury out of my body, and then my candida, just like parasites, too, magically went away. Really, this is a topic—again, it is a full show topic, but I do want to share the other pitfalls, dental dangers, that we face that most people don’t know, and these are things that I ask clients the first visit, just to see where, in fact, they have these massive exposures. One of them is root canals, and root canals is a cash cow for a dentist.
Can I say something here, Dr. Pompa?
Dr. Pompa:
Here’s what I wanted to say. In all these things, investigate what we’re talking about. We’ll put those studies and stuff in the show notes, but think about this. Dental isn’t your teeth. Even having your wisdom teeth removed, those are nerves that were connected to your brain, and just ripping those things out can have massive detrimental effects on you, so when you go to a dentist, when you go to a hospital, or someone says, you need surgery immediately, you really have to search and hunt. That’s why we’re doing this for you. Is this going to be safe for me? You don’t put—unfortunately, business has changed. The world has changed. The medical system has changed. First do no harm doesn’t exist. It’s how much can you bill per hour and still keep your license and all these things.
It’s a business, guys, and we’re in the business of education so that you don’t get sucked into the business of the medical field, and dentistry is medicine, man. These are brilliant doctors that went to school a long time. However, the system is broken. It comes into billing codes and insurance. You really have to look into these things, whether they’re going to be safe, and that’s what Dr. Pompa’s talking about. Oh, you need a root canal. Don’t just run and get a root canal. Dr. Pompa, discuss the options here and why it’s so dangerous.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, I’ll start with why it’s dangerous. You have to understand, you’re taking out the root, but there are these things called microtubules that feed that root, and they literally end-to-end, I think, are three miles long, these things. Imagine how many, and they go right into your spinous cavity’s bloodstream. The problem is, when you go and you pull the root out, they seal it, the root, with this material. I think it’s called [00:22:47]. They seal it, and then the problem is, they lock in these bacteria. They’re called anaerobes, anaerobic bacteria, very, very dangerous bacteria, by the way. Most toxic, even arguably more toxic even than mercury, but they seal it in these microtubules, and there they fester, and there they basically constantly stress your immune system, constantly leaching these bacteria into your gut, creating dysbiosis there and gut problems, and just into your bloodstream, driving autoimmune. It’s sad, because again, there’s so much here. We’ve known this [00:23:30].
Folks, Google dangers of root canals. You’ll find studies correlating the site of root canals that tie to breast cancer, thyroid, throat. It’s there. These studies are real. The risks are real. If I’m with somebody, and they’re toxic, or they have symptoms unexplainably, fatigue, brain fog, pain syndromes, the first thing that we look at are, do you have root canals, because these things are that toxic. I’ll tell you, we have testimonies even of some doctors that I’ve helped that their cancer stemmed from the root canals.
One that you know, Warren—I don’t want to use his name, but they were dealing with this throat cancer, and they were doing everything, everything, everything, and it was getting worse, not better. Finally, he listened to my words, and I wasn’t the guy that he was working with, but I did get on the phone with him, and I said, listen, do you have a root canal? I do. I said, please take it out, and it took—I don’t know how long that period was, but he finally took it out, and once it came out, guess what? The cancer started taking care of itself, or the body started taking care of the cancer, and he’s fine to this day. I’ve had that happen twice. There was another doctor, this one a female, with thyroid cancer. Same thing. She gave her testimony at one of our seminars.
Same thing.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, exactly. Root canal related. Folks, don’t take my word for it. You’ll believe it more if you read it yourself, so dangers of root canals and cancer and root canals. Yep.
We’ll throw some of that, some of the better studies, in the show notes there. We’ll have our team grab some of the ones that you’ve used.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, so what’s the options? What are your options?
Okay, moving on. Go ahead.
Dr. Pompa:
What are the options? Very quickly, their options are get it out and leave a gap. If it’s a back tooth, that may be a possibility. If it’s not, then it’s not. Then, you could go for what is called a Marilyn bridge out of something called zircon or zirconium oxide. It spans the tooth in front and the tooth in back. That’s what I have in my mouth, and very successful it’s been, because back then, all they did is titanium implants, and I wasn’t going to get a titanium implant. That’s the post that’s actually the titanium portion with a ceramic tooth on top. I don’t like titanium. I don’t like metal in the mouth, period. That could be an option for some of you, but now they have porcelain posts that are actually very successful, made out of this zircon, and then a tooth there, so an implant, a Marilyn bridge, or leave a hole, get the tooth out. Regardless, get the darn thing out. They’re toxic. There you go.
All right, let’s keep going down this toxic road. Another toxic thing, related, kind of, to an infection, like a root canal would be, a thing called a cavitation, Dr. Pompa, these places where you had something removed, a tooth removed, and it wasn’t sealed properly, and the bacteria stayed in there and essentially created an eggshell of pus, disease, and infection that’s inside of your bone in your mouth, correct? It really causes a lot of damage.
Dr. Pompa:
Again, when we look at these hidden disease or hidden causes of diseases, one of the questions we ask is, have you had any teeth extracted? What happens is, when they take the tooth out, yes, it can heal over and cause that infectious cavitation that will keep you sick, and the reason that—especially if they left some of the ligament, the odontoid ligament, behind, then you will get a cavitation. Also, if they used—as the novocaine, if they use certain ones that actually cause vasoconstriction, which slows the blood flow down, which is great when you’re doing the procedure—however, the problem is, it slows blood flow down, and that impact can cause and lead to cavitation as well. It’s the procedural method. A tooth can be extracted without a cavitation if you use a different numbing agent, if you make sure you get all the ligament, create, stimulate the healing. Now they can use lasers and ozone. There’s so many methods now that you can do to minimize the danger of a cavitation. Now, what do you do if you have one or think you have one? First of all, how do you know is probably a better question? Now, they have 3D x-rays called cone beam. Cone beam.
Cone beam.
Dr. Pompa:
Yes. You can get that x-ray done, and your dentist might not have one, but he has access to one. Get a cone beam 3D x-ray. That would be my suggestion. When we come back, we’ll talk about what to do with the cavitation.
This dental topic may sound a little bit crazy, but here’s the great news, good news, great news. Let’s throw a culture code out there and date ourselves. All gnews is good gnews with Gary Gnu. The good news is, the natural health movement in general is exploding, right? Dr. Pompa mentioned the cone beam laser, where you can identify whether you have a cavitation so you don’t—back five, ten years ago, you had to actually drill in and find out, and that’s how mine was done. They just drilled in, and the drillbit went pop and just popped it into my mouth. Oh, you have a cavitation. If they’re so bad, sometimes you can see them on a regular x-ray, because the bone density’s less.
I’ve been to a lot of small towns. There’s these really good dentists that have essentially popped up and again made a great business model out of helping people the best way possible when it comes to dental health. They have found that they’ve hurt people on accident, not knowing, doing the traditional methods of dentistry and what they’re learning in schools, and now they’re moving away from that. Access to these great dentists—you interview them, because this is essentially an investment that you’re going to make, so you want to interview these people like you’re buying a car, a Ferrari, or whatever, to the point where you know you have the exact car that you want that’s going to give you the highest value for your life. Your life is literally in their hands, so you really want to interview these people, and these methods are out there, so there’s great news. You can get these things taken care of over time, and it can make a massive difference in your health and life. Dr. Pompa, you wanted to continue on what they can do.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, so with the cavitation, let’s say you get a cone beam, and like you said, they can even be so bad that you can see them on a regular x-ray. Another way, the old-fashioned way, too, was, if you had a wisdom tooth removed, they could literally take the dental drill and just kind of probe into some of those areas. Imagine drywall. When you go into drywall, and you hit a stud, it feels the same all the way through, but when you just go into the drywall with no beam behind it, and boom, it falls right in. That’s kind of what happens, so that used to be the old way of just even seeing if there was a cavitation in there. They’d look at an area on an x-ray and think, let’s go right in, drill into that, and see if it falls in. With the cone beam now, it’s much easier.
You find these areas, and then they decavitate them. It’s very simple. They go in, and they open it up and just clear the infection out, and then they have you just do some saltwater swishing or ozone and just clear it out and let it reheal properly. That is the simple solution. Now, some people can heal over and create another cavitation. Sometimes they take a little bit of this bone matrix and fill the cavitation again and let it heal over that so it kind of fills in the gap, but that’s for a huge cavitation. Most people, you just need to get it decavitated. It’s very simple, but it can be game-changing, life-changing, and immune system-changing for you and gut-changing as well, because again, these infections are one of the big reasons you can’t fix your gut, your food sensitivities, food allergies, etcetera, autoimmune, whatever it is.
Hidden infections, heavy metals, and mold, actually, which we’ve done some shows on, these are the things that are hidden typically and can keep people sick and wondering why, despite your dietary changes, despite doing all these amazing supplements and exercise, whatever you do. These hidden things, hidden infections, mostly in the mouth, mold in your home, heavy metals accumulated in the body from sources that you would have no idea, because Warren, you said something in the beginning of the show, that your mom—you got your first exposure to mercury because your mom had a bunch of fillings, and yes, there’s a study called the [00:32:51] study that the number of fillings, Mom, in your mouth is proportional on autopsy studies to how much they find in babies’ brains from in utero, so that is where we get our exposures. Then, we start accumulating more of these heavy metals through our lifetime, so one day the bucket overflows.
Then, moms—I’m sorry. The bucket overflows, and the symptoms start. I kind of wanted to make sure that everyone heard that. It’s important, and another important point here, moms are the foundation of America, so they’ll do whatever it takes to make their child healthy, have a—whatever it takes. They’re the heroes of the world to me, so moms, when you hear things like this, even if you had a proper amalgam removal, and you’re thinking about getting pregnant, do it, detox, but don’t even think about having a kid.
We’re just giving you the safety that we would—the advice that we give. We’re not medical doctors here, but we’re saying, when you have something done like that, you want to make sure your body’s completely cleared. Don’t ever get dental work done, put amalgam in, anything like that. Even most of your dentists wouldn’t do that if you’re pregnant, right? Most of them would say, oh, let’s not put in mercury. You have a kid. Some of those things are there, but you’ve got to be very careful. You hear this, and I need to get a removal. I’m thinking about getting pregnant. Really research that and make sure that you’re making the right decision, because you could release a lot of mercury in your body, trigger genes and gene expression with toxins. Toxins are a major cause of that.
Another thing, moms, we’re told—and this is one of the ways that we all come out of the box. There’s all these traditions in the world. Everybody gets their wisdom teeth out, right? That’s a cultural thing. It’s a rule, right? You have wisdom teeth. Get them removed. Even if they’re not impacted, remove them, because your mouth isn’t big enough. Who knows that? How do they prove that when we’ve evolved over time to have these things, and there’s neurological reasons they’re finding to leave them in? Lots of good research on this when it comes to having wisdom teeth removed, so research that as well, moms, before you go put your kid under and rip these things out of their mouth, causing potentially a cavitation, neurological—some of those nerves run to organs. They’re connected to your brain and all this stuff. You remove them, and your body literally has to readapt and rewire, because they were meant to be there, so very, very good research on that, and that’s more recent.
Dr. Pompa:
Just to be clear, just in case some dentists are listening in, we’re not talking about an actual nerve that runs to the brain. Nerve meridians. We know now certain teeth, through nerve meridians, are connected to certain organs and systems in the body, and when I first looked at that, I thought, is that really possible? I tell you what. After looking at where certain people have problems in their mouth with certain teeth and where they end up having issues in their body, it really—it’s real. The Chinese mapped that out, I think, a long time ago, and I think that modern medicine is finding out that there’s truth to it.
Look, there’s something—when you go to your dentist, they measure your pockets, and these pockets can run anywhere from zero millimeters—well, actually three millimeters is the level you should have, so about three millimeters from the top of your gum to the bone underneath, so let’s just call three normal, four acceptable, but when you start getting into five, six, seven, eight, nine, you’re in big trouble, because now you have a pocket, which holds toxins, infections, and it’s a sign of periodontal disease, and again, we know that these bacteria that reside in there lead to heart attacks, inflammation throughout the body. Also, it changes your oral microbiome. Dr. Gerry Curatola, he’s a good friend of ours. He’s been on Dr. Oz several times, and he just released his book.
I love Dr. Gerry.
Dr. Pompa:
Yeah, it’s The Mouth-Body Connection, talking about these topics that we’re talking about, and he talks a lot about the oral microbiome and how it affects our gut bacteria, which affects our immune system, how our brains work, so you wouldn’t believe it. Just know this, these infectious pockets, get yours measured, because that’s a clue also that there might be deeper infection. It happened to me. He went back, and he found a nine-millimeter pocket, and it was around one of my back teeth. It was kind of partially impacted with gum tissue over. He put that down in there, and he started going in with his laser to clear out the pocket, and by the way, that’s the more modern way, how you fix these pockets. You go in with this special laser. Dr. Gerry has one. Anyway, you go in, and then, boom, it literally fell through, and he found this infection under there. The first thing he said to me is, Dan, I can’t believe you don’t have gut issues with how much infection was there. It was probably there for years. It was there for years. I just didn’t know it.
That’s what we’re talking about, so yeah, get a cone beam x-ray. Before I had that, he found it just by measuring a pocket, going in there to correct it, and literally fell into one of these infections. Hidden infections, folks. Make sure you don’t have one. If you have any type of bizarre symptoms that you’ve been dealing with, look in your mouth. That’s the point of this show. Share this show with people. I’d say, you’ve got how many friends, family members, that have symptoms and issues? I’m telling you, look in the mouth, because 85 percent of disease starts there. It sure does make sense to start looking there first.
You tapped onto this, the oral microbiome, and Dr. Gerry loves this topic and even invented a toothpaste, and I’ll talk about that to end the show, called Revitin, which doesn’t kill off the bacteria. People have the—back in the 80s and 90s, it was, let’s kill every bacteria off in our mouth. That is a big issue, because what’s in your mouth microbiome affects your gut microbiome, your health, and your genetics, so killing off all your bacteria in your mouth and not having the right toothpaste—
Dr. Pompa:
Not a good idea.
—with these tea tree oil and—not a good idea. We have Dr. Gerry’s product on a website called revelationhealth.com. You can go there and check that out, but that’s a safe toothpaste.